Thursday, July 14, 2011

My 7 Links: Blast From The Past

A fellow Pinay travel blogger, Graciel of Pinay On The Move nominated me to participate in the My 7 Links Project. It's a brilliant project by Tripbase "to unite bloggers from all sectors to share lessons learned and create a bank of long but not forgotten blog posts that deserve to see the light of day again".

Pinay Travel Junkie's about to turn two years old, and this is an awesome way to cruise down blog memory lane! Here we go...

Most beautiful post:

The Travel Junkie Is Now a Nomad Mommy!
- A very, very short post. The few readers who have been following my blog since the beginning would know that I started sharing adventures as a solo traveler, then as the other half of a backpacking duo (partner eventually became the hubby), and finally a nomadic mum. When I published this post I felt like I'm letting followers join me in a new chapter of my life. Kinda made my blog soap opera-ish, don't you think? Wow, this description is longer than the actual post!

Most popular post:

Philippine Passport Renewal: What Da Heck To Really Expect - Pretty popular thanks to Google.... With the search phrase "what does landmark mean on passport application?". Well, I'm glad to have answered that. Or did I?

Most controversial post:

Batanes' Culinary Celebrity: The Coconut Crab (or Don't Tell A Conservationist I Ate A Coconut Crab) - An article I wrote just a couple of days ago. I raved about eating a delish crab, which is uhm, a threatened species.

Most helpful post:

Backpacking With A Baby - May seem like self-punishment but could be the most rewarding thing. Shared some tips for backpacking mums.

A post whose success surprised me:

Backpacking Borneo: Bako National Park - I based this one on the number of views (I only placed the counter recently, so that's not really official) A national park in Sarawak, Borneo. Sarawak is not as popular as its BFF Sabah.

A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved:

Xi'an's Muslim Quarter - There's more to China than dumplings and temples, and the Great Wall. The Silk Road's Eastern Terminus is a myriad of cultures.

The post that you are most proud of:

The Preggy Traveler - Pregnancy should not be synonymous to confinement, and should not prevent you from achieving your dreams. If I can do it, so can you (granting you're a woman)!

There you have it folks! And now, I nominate these awesome bloggers to My 7 Links:

1. Nina of Just Wandering
2. Lois and ChiChi of Sole Sisters
3. Marky of Nomadic Experiences
4. Chyng of No Spam, No Virus, No Kidding!
5. Alice of Bread & Honey


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