Pinay Travel Junkie's about to turn two years old, and this is an awesome way to cruise down blog memory lane! Here we go...
The Travel Junkie Is Now a Nomad Mommy! - A very, very short post. The few readers who have been following my blog since the beginning would know that I started sharing adventures as a solo traveler, then as the other half of a backpacking duo (partner eventually became the hubby), and finally a nomadic mum. When I published this post I felt like I'm letting followers join me in a new chapter of my life. Kinda made my blog soap opera-ish, don't you think? Wow, this description is longer than the actual post!

Philippine Passport Renewal: What Da Heck To Really Expect - Pretty popular thanks to Google.... With the search phrase "what does landmark mean on passport application?". Well, I'm glad to have answered that. Or did I?
Batanes' Culinary Celebrity: The Coconut Crab (or Don't Tell A Conservationist I Ate A Coconut Crab) - An article I wrote just a couple of days ago. I raved about eating a delish crab, which is uhm, a threatened species.
Backpacking With A Baby - May seem like self-punishment but could be the most rewarding thing. Shared some tips for backpacking mums.
Backpacking Borneo: Bako National Park - I based this one on the number of views (I only placed the counter recently, so that's not really official) A national park in Sarawak, Borneo. Sarawak is not as popular as its BFF Sabah.
Xi'an's Muslim Quarter - There's more to China than dumplings and temples, and the Great Wall. The Silk Road's Eastern Terminus is a myriad of cultures.
The Preggy Traveler - Pregnancy should not be synonymous to confinement, and should not prevent you from achieving your dreams. If I can do it, so can you (granting you're a woman)!
There you have it folks! And now, I nominate these awesome bloggers to My 7 Links:
1. Nina of Just Wandering
2. Lois and ChiChi of Sole Sisters
3. Marky of Nomadic Experiences
4. Chyng of No Spam, No Virus, No Kidding!
5. Alice of Bread & Honey
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